I design innovative learning solutions that solve problems.

Featured Solution

Journey of a Surgical Instrument

Responsibilities: Needs Analysis, Instructional Design, eLearning Development, and Evaluation.

Type: eLearning

Date: January 2024

Target Audience: Sterile processing technicians and managers

Tools Used: Articulate Storyline 360

Challenge: Differentiated instruction and practice for learners with diverse backgrounds and understanding.

Action: Assessed needs, designed, developed, and evaluated a solution to introduce new technicians to sterile processing and challenge managers with advanced sterilization challenges.

Results: Over 1600 people completed the course and rated it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

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Need Innovative learning solutions to solve your problems?  Identifying goals, analyzing needs, and illuminating options ahead with instructional design models and adult learning theory are my power strengths.  Let's design together!

Need eLearning solutions to bridge knowledge and skill gaps?  I use eLearning power tools to develop learning solutions for a variety of instruction, organizations and learners. Let's develop something!

Need targeted solutions to solve problems quickly?   A job aid could supplement your learning solution, or bridge your organization's knowledge gap, if a full course is not needed. Let's consider ideas!